
Created on 25 October, 2023 • 2 minutes read

Simple tutorial about how to Use Uptime System to Monitor your Websites and Servers including Status Pages

First you have to create a account and choose a Plan that suits you.

Create a Monitor

After you created your account, you can create a Monitor to monitor your website or any server that is connected to the internet. Follow the steps to create your first monitor! Enter your monitor information + check interval and choose your Notification Handler to get started. There are more options to configure such as the Ping Locations and Advanced Settings. Advanced Settings such as Custom Requests and Custom Responses.

Create a Notification Handler for your Monitors and Hearthbeats.

When your Monitor or Heathbeat is created, you can easily create a Notification Handler to get notified when you have any downtime or issues.

It is also possible to create a Notification handler earlier while creating your monitor or hearthbeat.

It is possible to receive notifications on your Email Adres, Telegram, DiscordSlack or any Webhook URL.

We offer push notifications when you choose to use for example Telegram. You will receive instant notifications when using any of the above options that have push notifications.

Dashboard Notifications

Create Hearthbeats

You can easily create hearthbeats to make sure that your configured cronjobs are actually running when you expect them to run. You can configure the Expected Hearthbeat rate and set a Grace Period. Then select your desired Notification Handler to receive Notifications when your Cronjob doesn't run or runs delayed.

Dashboard Hearthbeats

Track your Domain Names

It is possible to track your domain names.

You can track the Expiry Date, SSL Expiry Date and much more.

Receive instant notifications when there is action needed for your domains.

Dashboard Domain Names

Create Status Pages

You can create Status Pages for any Monitor that you have configured using Uptime System.

Status pages can be placed on your own website to show your uptime results to visitors.

You can have a look at our Example Status Page to get an idea about how a status page looks.

Dashboard Status Pages

Status Page Analytics

It is possible to view status page analytics about people visiting your status page. 

This will help you understand your status page visitors.

Status Page Analytics

Status Page QR codes

You can create sharable QR codes to share your status page on a large scale.

Scanning a QR code is more easy than manualy going to a website.

Create QR Codes for Status Pages

Create Projects

You can create Projects with Monitors or Hearthbeats in them and sort them by color.

By using Projects you will have a better overview of which resources belong together.

Dashboard Projects


Every plan has a tools section with great tools to manage your websites.

These tools can be usefull when creating Monitors or Hearthbeats and receive more information about any website on the internet.

Dashboard Tools

We have many more features that are not included in this blog post.

You can create a free trial on our homepage try all the features that we offer!

Thank you for using Uptime System!